Feel free to use these images to help improve understanding of academic freedom. We suggest that if sharing on social media, you also add alt-text so that people using screen readers can access them – suggested alt-text to cut and paste is alongside each image. Consider also including the live link to our main page so people can read our Academic Freedom Explainer in more detail: http://warwickucu.org.uk/campaigns/academic-freedom/
Animated .gif file which reads “Academic freedom gives academics the right to express unpopular and controversial ideas without their jobs or privileges being threatened. It does NOT protect ideas and opinions that violate criminal laws or amount to harassment. Find out more: http://warwickucu.org.uk/campaigns/academic-freedom/”
Static .png file with a background of bookshelves, overlaid with text which reads “Academic freedom is protected by UK law.” Find out more: http://warwickucu.org.uk/campaigns/academic-freedom/
Static .png file with a background of bookshelves, overlaid with text which reads “Academic freedom gives academics the right to express controversial or unpopular ideas and opinions without their jobs or privileges being threatened. Find out more: http://warwickucu.org.uk/campaigns/academic-freedom/”
Static .png file with a background of bookshelves, overlaid with text which reads “Academic freedom does not protect ideas and opinions that violate criminal laws or amount to harassment.” Find out more: http://warwickucu.org.uk/campaigns/academic-freedom/
Static .png file with a background of bookshelves, overlaid with text which reads “Academic freedom protects academics outside university contexts too. Find out more: http://warwickucu.org.uk/campaigns/academic-freedom/”
Static .png file with a background of bookshelves, overlaid with text which reads “Students and all university staff have rights to freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Find out more: http://warwickucu.org.uk/campaigns/academic-freedom/”