Statute 24: Detailed Changes


Management want the existing redundancy policy for staff not covered by Statute to apply, unchanged, to all staff. This will give HoDs and senior managers free rein to decide if work in a particular discipline or sub-discipline should be cut. The policy is on the HR webpage here:

Statute 24 Existing HR Policy
·         Council has ultimate responsibility

·         Overseen by redundancy committee comprising three lay members of Council and two academic members of Senate

·         Staff member can make their case directly to the redundancy committee in writing and face to face

·         Appeal decided by a lawyer of 10 years standing, advised by a lay member of Council and an academic member of Senate


·         HoDs or members of the Senior management team decide on redundancies if financial pressures necessitate or need/desire for work of a certain kind decreases.
·         No involvement of Council or Senate members
·         Appeal decided by Registrar (or nominated representative) and a senior manager from another department


The existing disciplinary policy for staff not covered by Statute will apply, with a few minor changes, to all staff. Insubordination might mean not applying for a particular grant or not submitting to a particular journal. The current policy for non-academic staff is on the HR webpage here:

Statute 24 Proposed HR Policy
· Council has ultimate responsibility

· Three-stage process with right to appeal to a PVC against Stages 1 and 2

·  Stage 3 (Hearing) involves two lay members of Council and an academic nominated by Senate

·  Stage 3 appeal decided by a lawyer of 10 years standing, advised by a lay member of Council and an academic member of Senate


· HoD chairs Disciplinary hearing unless gross misconduct is alleged, in which case, the Chair of the Faculty chairs

· Staff can be dismissed for repeated insubordination, poor time-keeping or anything that could damage the university’s reputation

· No involvement of Council or Senate members

· Appeal decided by two senior members of staff


The existing grievance policy for staff not covered by Statute will apply, with a few minor changes, to all staff. The current policy for non-academic staff is on the HR webpage here:


Term-time only staff will have to accept new contracts with pro rata sick pay. The sickness absence policy will apply to all staff. HoDs will trigger dismissal on the grounds of ill-health. Appeals will be decided by two senior members of staff. In contrast, Statute 24 requires a committee comprising a medically-qualified Chair, one person nominated by Council and one person nominated by the staff member.