Current Newsletter:
- We are in the process of reintroducing the newsletter. Please get in touch with stories or if you would like to get involved.
Previous branch newsletters:
- January 2017
- November 2016
- May 2016
- October 2015
- April 2015
- February 2015
- August 2014
- January 2014
- October 2013
- June 2013
- February 2011
- December 2010
- November 2009
Editorial Statement
The Newsletter is an important tool for engaging, informing and organising Warwick UCU members. It is important to note that the items represent the voice of our members and are not an official statement from the UCU Branch Committee (which are contained in the Committee Meeting Minutes). Some items may not represent the current view of UCU.
Articles may entertain, enlighten, or engage and enrage people for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the ‘tone of voice’ in articles may reflect the feelings of the person who provided it and this is to be encouraged. Dry statistics and facts are great for an encyclopaedia or a process document but, whilst useful, do not reflect the reality of the working life for most people.
Please send us your stories, we will edit them (nb references to named individuals may be removed where appropriate), and then confirm with you that you are happy before publishing them. We would like to hear from all our members, both academic and non-academic – especially if you feel under-represented or that an article did not reflect your views.
Newsletter Publishing Policy
Newsletters will be published either bi-monthly, quarterly or when we have enough stories to fill one. Articles are edited by the Newsletter Editor, checked by the Newsletter sub-committee, signed off by the Regional UCU office and published online and sent via email to departmental contacts when finally ready.
Factual errors will be noted and amendments published alongside the original newsletters.
The newsletter sub-committee reserves the right to reject items / articles which are deemed inappropriate, but you can appeal this decision via the full committee which meets monthly.