Statute 24, the Assembly, and Next Steps.
Some of you will have seen the Provost’s update on Statute 24, published on Insite yesterday. In this update, the Provost lays out the University’s new plan for the revision of Statute 24 following the cancelation of the Assembly on 29 June. Of importance are three key steps: first, last week Senate approved the sending of a draft of the updated Statutes to the Privy Council for informal review and that review will take place over the summer. Second, the Provost says the adjourned Assembly will be rescheduled for sometime in September or early October prior to further Senate and Council discussions. Third, the Provost says that the University will undertake further consultation with trade unions and assembly members over the summer.
We are glad that the University has backtracked from its previous attempts to push these changes to Statute and Ordinance through and now appears to be committed to engaging in consultation with us and other trade unions on campus and to rescheduling an Assembly so that more time can be given to study and meaningfully discuss the relevant documents. However, we also have some serious concerns. First, we are disappointed that the Statutes are being sent to the Privy Council for review before consultation with trade unions and the Assembly has taken place and we are quite apprehensive that this could undermine the potential of meaningful consultation. Second, we remain concerned by the timing of these processes as it’s very difficult to engage in meaningful consultation during summer term. And third, we have not yet been contacted by the University and have not yet ascertained how meaningful this consultation will be. Thus we are cautiously optimistic, but certainly not assured of this process. We will keep you updated of any further developments.
Warwick UCU is hiring
After many years, our fabulous Branch Administrator, Claire Duffy, stepped down earlier this summer. We are now hiring a new Branch Administrator. If you know anyone who is committed to Trade Union politics and has experience doing administrative, web, and organising and recruiting work, please forward this advert onto them!
In the meantime, we ask that you be patient with us as we are currently without an administrator and so may take a longer time to respond.
Two Important Protests which UCU National is Supporting
Anti-Trump Protest Friday 13 July 2pm Portland Place, London W1A 1AA followed by a rally at 5pm in Trafalgar Square. Please be there to show Trump he is not welcome and that we in the UK trade union movement oppose his divisive and racist policies.
Link here:
Stand Up to Racism ‘Oppose the Nazis and Tommy Robinson’ event Saturday 14 July 2pm Whitehall, London SW1A.
It is vital we mobilise against the pernicious ideology peddled by Tommy Robinson and his friends in the so-called Football Lads Alliance.
Link here:
Update on Salaries Sacrificed During the Pension Dispute
Warwick UCU is pleased that the salaries sacrificed during the industrial action to protect our pensions will be used to help students, and especially those who are in most need. It is a standard request we make of the University during any industrial action that money be diverted to the student hardship fund and we are grateful that the university has chosen to take our views into account.
As always, let us know if you have any questions.
In solidarity,
Warwick UCU