And we’ve made it – undiminished in strength and more unified than at the start, we are now at Day 14 of the strikes.
To celebrate this, we held an awards ceremony with some fabulous (or at least appropriate) prizes!
Here is our fabulous compere, Leon, announcing the winners.
Arianna was presented with her ‘halls throat sweets’ in honour of her sterling work on the microphone leading chants for the last few weeks!
And of course, the winner of ‘Best picket dog’, the fabulous Quince.
Some fantastic renditions of some old favourites:
‘See you on the picket line’ (to the tune of ‘Hit me baby (one more time)’ by Britney Spears
‘We need a pension’ (to the tune of ‘I need a hero’ by Bonnie Tyler)
A stirring speech from a retired UCU member warning of the risks and exhorting members to keep up the fight for everyones future.
And Claire, as picket supervisor, summed up what we were all thinking.
Thank you to all our members who stuck it out throughout the 14 days, in wind, rain and snow.
#solidarity #NoCapitulation #USSStrikes