The USS consultation closed last Friday and 64% of those returning ballots (in a turnout of 63%) voted to accept the UUK’s offer.
We will be holding a post-ballot Extraordinary General Meeting on Thursday 19th April, 12:00 – 13:30, in P5.21A/B Physics in order to discuss future developments and how we should respond as a branch.
As such the agenda is open but based around some of these questions (and structured as below) – how can we build on the strength of action showed during the USS strikes? How best to pursue the defence of our pensions? What are our other priorities for the coming period and how can we address these?
- What next? Following the ‘yes’ vote – timelines for UCU, UCU negotiators, the proposed joint expert panel etc.
- Developing the branch – Departmental Contacts, Caseworkers, Communications Strategy (for more information please see the all member email).
- Strike debrief, and preparation for potential future strike action.
- Pay deductions, incidences of pressure from HoD’s to reschedule and other strike breaking activities.
This is also an opportunity to bring forward Branch motions.
Update: We have received a member-led motion that we will circulate to all members asap.