Action Short of Strike (ASOS) Q&A

As we return back to work, we’ve been receiving a number of questions about what it actually means to carry out action short of strike (ASOS). In response to these queries, we have developed an ASOS FAQ / Q&A covering the following areas:

  1. What does ASOS mean?
  2. Does ASOS imply breach of contract and if so, what does that mean?
  3. What is Warwick’s current position regarding ASOS Pay Deductions?
  4. What specifically is working to contract and what does that look like?
  5. What does ASOS and working to contract look like for workers on hourly paid contracts (VAM / STP)?
  6. What does this all mean on the ground?

It is a work in progress, so please check with us regularly and let us know if you have any further questions and/ or queries.

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